Npm For Mac

Npm is a command-line tool for interacting with a huge repository of Node.js projects. Peter Dierx shows how you can start using it in your projects today. With the v7.4 release, npm 4 became the bundled, default package manager for Node.js. In the meantime, Facebook released their own package manager solution, called Yarn. In this article we dive into what these package managers offer, what's the difference between them, and how they evolved. Now that you have downloaded Git, it's time to start using it. Read the Book. Dive into the Pro Git book and learn at your own pace. Download a GUI. Several free and commercial GUI tools are available for the Mac platform. Get Involved. A knowledgeable Git community is available to answer your questions.

  1. Npm For Mac High Sierra
  2. Npm Mac Permission Denied
  3. Latest Npm For Mac
  4. Npm For Mac Os X
  5. Install Nodejs Windows 10

Azure DevOps Services | TFS 2018 | TFS 2017

All Azure Artifacts feeds require authentication, so you'll need to store credentials for the feed before you can install or publish packages. npm uses .npmrc configuration files to store feed URLs and credentials.

Npm For Mac High Sierra

Where are my .npmrc files?

Azure DevOps Services recommends using two .npmrc files:

  1. One .npmrc should live at the root of your git repo adjacent to your project's package.json. It should contain a 'registry' line for your feed and it should not contain credentials since it will be checked into git. You can find the registry information for your feed from the Connect to Feed button:

    1. From your Packages page, click Connect to Feed

    2. Copy the 'registry' text:

  2. On your development machine, you will also have a .npmrc in $home for Linux or Mac systems or $env.HOME for win systems. This .npmrc should contain credentials for all of the registries that you need to connect to. The NPM client will look at your project's .npmrc, discover the registry, and fetch matching credentials from $home/.npmrc or $env.HOME/.npmrc. Credential acquisition will be discussed in the next section.

This enables you to share project's .npmrc with the whole team while keeping your credentials secure.

Set up authentication on your dev box

You should have a project specific .npmrc containing only your feed's registry information that you discovered from the 'Connect to Feed' dialog. There should be no credentials in this file and the file itself is usually adjacent to your project's package.json.

IMPORTANT: There can only be a single 'registry=' line in your .npmrc. Multiple registries are possible with upstream sources, or by using scopes (not recommended).


If you are developing on Windows, we recommend that you use vsts-npm-auth to fetch credentials and inject them into your %USERPROFILE%.npmrc on a periodic basis. The easiest way to set this up is to install vsts-npm-auth globally (i.e. npm install -g vsts-npm-auth) and then add a run script in your project's package.json.

Linux or Mac

If you are developing on Linux or Mac, vsts-npm-auth is not supported and we recommend generating a token in the following manner for your $HOME/.npmrc

The Connect to feed dialog box generates an appropriately formatted token that you can place into your .npmrc file with a lifespan of 90 days.

If you want to create a token that lasts longer than 90 days, skip to the second of the following methods.

90-day token:

  1. From Azure Artifacts, select Connect to feed.

  2. Select npm.

  3. Select Generate npm credentials. Copy the credentials to add them to your user .npmrc file manually:

  1. From the Packages page, select Connect to feed.

  2. Select npm.

  3. Select Generate npm credentials. Copy the credentials to add them to your user .npmrc file manually:

Create a token that lasts longer than 90 days:

Mac node js
  1. Browse to security and generate a PAT with a narrow scope of 'Packaging (read and write).'

  2. Base64 encode the PAT.

  3. In your $home/.npmrc file, add the following lines. Replace yourorganization and yourfeed, and add your username (can be anything except empty), PAT, and email.

vsts-npm-auth is not supported on TFS or Azure DevOps Server.

Set up authentication in a build task

There are two options for setting up authentication in a build task:

Without a Task Runner

To set up npm authentication in a build task without a task runner, follow the directions below.

  1. Select Azure Pipelines, it should automatically take you to the Builds page.

  2. Create a new pipeline.

  3. Choose your source Project, Repository, and Default branch and select Continue.

  4. Start with an Empty job.

  5. On the left side, select the plus sign ( + ) to add a task to Job 1. On the right side, select the Package category, select the npm task from the list, and then choose Add.

  6. Select the npm install task, then browse to and select your Working folder with package.json:

  7. Expand Custom registries and authentication, here you have a few options:

    • Registries in my .npmrc

      You can choose credentials to authenticate to outside of your current organization/collection by setting up service connections.

    • Registry I select here

      When you choose this option, the task will create a temporary .npmrc with credentials for the registry you've selected and it will override the project's .npmrc. This is useful when you want to publish to a specific feed.

  8. Select Save & queue, and then select Save.

  1. Select Build and Release, and then choose Builds.

  2. Create a new pipeline.

  3. Choose your source Project, Repository, and Default branch and select Continue.

  4. Start with an Empty job.

  5. On the left side, select the plus sign ( + ) to add a task to Job 1. On the right side, select the Package category, select the npm task from the list, and then choose Add.

  6. Select the npm install task, then browse to and select your Working folder with package.json:

  7. Expand Custom registries and authentication, here you have a few options:

    • Registries in my .npmrc

      You can choose credentials to authenticate to outside of your current organization/collection by setting up service connections.

    • Registry I select here

      When you choose this option, the task will create a temporary .npmrc with credentials for the registry you've selected and it will override the project's .npmrc. This is useful when you want to publish to a specific feed.

  8. Select Save & queue, and then select Save.

With a Task Runner (e.g. make gulp work)

When using a task runner, you'll need to add the npm Authenticate build task at the beginning of your build pipeline. This will inject credentials into your project's .npmrc and persist them for the lifespan of the build. This allows subsequent build steps to use the credentials in the .npmrc.

  1. Select Azure Pipelines, it should automatically take you to the Builds page.

  2. Create a new pipeline.

  3. Choose your source Project, Repository, and Default branch and select Continue.

  4. Start with an Empty job.

  5. On the left side, select the plus sign ( + ) to add a task to Job 1. On the right side, select the Package category, select the npm Authenticate task from the list, and then choose Add.

  6. Select the npm Authenticate task underneath Phase 1:

  7. Browse to and select your .npmrc file to authenticate:

    You can choose credentials to authenticate to outside of your current organization/collection by setting up service connections.

  8. After setting up your npm Authenticate task, you can add other build task(s) for your task runner like Gulp.

  1. Select Build and Release, and then choose Builds.

  2. Create a new pipeline.

  3. Choose your source Project, Repository, and Default branch and select Continue.

  4. Start with an Empty job.

  5. On the left side, select the plus sign ( + ) to add a task to Job 1. On the right side, select the Package category, select the npm Authenticate task from the list, and then choose Add.

  6. Select the npm Authenticate task underneath Phase 1:

  7. Browse to and select your .npmrc file to authenticate:

    You can choose credentials to authenticate to outside of your current organization/collection by setting up service connections.

  8. After setting up your npm Authenticate task, you can add other build task(s) for your task runner like Gulp.

Troubleshooting vsts-npm-auth

Install npm for macos

If you receive an error like:

  • Command Prompt: 'vsts-npm-auth' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
  • PowerShell: vsts-npm-auth : The term 'vsts-npm-auth' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

Npm Mac Permission Denied

then it's likely that the npm modules folder is not in your path.

To fix this, re-run Node.js setup and ensure the Add to PATH option and its child options are selected for installation.

Alternatively, you can edit the PATH variable to add %APPDATA%npm (Command Prompt) or $env:APPDATAnpm (PowerShell).

node.js allows you to run javascript in the Terminal as appose to a regular browser which makes for a modern workflow in web development, with node.js installed an associated package called npm (Node Package Manager) is also installed which can manage other applications that utilize node.js, one of the main ones being grunt.js. OSX Yosemite 10.10 guide here.

To install node.js on OSX 10.9 Mavericks you can download a pre-compiled binary package which makes a nice and easy installation. Head over to and click the install button to download the latest package.

Npm For Mac

Install the package by following along which will install node and npm, npm is Node Package Manager which facilitates installs of additional packages for node.js.

At the end of the install you are prompted to make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your path, double check you have it by running in the Terminal:

After install check it was ok by entering in the command line node which will open a node javascript session:

To exit the node.js session just hit ‘control’ + ‘c’ twice.

If you have an earlier version of node you can just download the latest version and install to upgrade it and it will overight the previous version.

Installing Packages for Node

There are many packages for Node such as the popular grunt.js, you use the command npm to see a complete list run:

This will return an exhaustive list of available packages, to install a package run npm install

Latest Npm For Mac

To list installed packages run

Npm For Mac Os X

To upgrade npm packages

Install Nodejs Windows 10

To upgrade node.js itself on OSX just download and install the latest from